Monday, November 24, 2008

and then

And then there was today. My husband is depressed. Here I have this awesome knowledge of God and life is not all good. huh, makes ya think huh. I mean I am generally happy, til I, as a mortal, try to stuff my feelings down some dark pit so I don't have to face them. Denial is a horrible monster that will swallow you whole and then you know what happens. I just can't see the other side and so its hard to always look at whats happening now honestly.

I know I am suppose to be here. I mean I chose to come here and get this body and have thes3e trials. I knew what I was gatting into. He has given me gifts and preparation, but oh man, its a lot harder now that I am down here. I have to trust that He knew what he was doing and that I really can handle this stuff.

When I was little I had kidney reflux. Lets just say it causes bladder and kidney infections and I was sick alot til I had surgery.
I remember my dad and I sitting in the waiting room of the hospital and he was teaching me how to knit. I remember when I was about 6 and my sister was born. I also remember my mother having a nervous breakdown.

These things have schooled me and taught me a little. I wasn't really accountable for any of that stuff. I wasn't accountable until I was about 8. I remember when I got baptized. It felt like magic. I wish that all of Gods children could know that sweet anticipation and the magic of Baptism.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Saved for now

So first off I need to share with you a little about my beliefs. I don't expect you to beleive this way but it is how I beleive. I do encourage you to ask questions and if you wonder if any of this stuff could be true then please pray about it.

We, yes you and I, lived together before this. This earth is not where we started. We started out in a place with a Father and Mother who love us. We lived there and loved each other. We spent time together and we laughed and played and learned there. We were not physical bodies. We were spirit children of our Father and Mother. They on the other hand had these really cool physical bodies. I know, I have asked and I know. We wondered if we could ever have these cool bodies. Of course being loving parents they, Our Parents, told us of a plan.

You see there was this counsel in the world we lived in. We were all there. We heard about the plan where we could get these bodies. We knew it would be hard and that we would make mistakes. We knew that because of those mistakes we wouldn't be able to return to our Heavenly Father and Mother. But there was a way that one could pay for those wrong doings. Now every Christian at this point is say ing, Hey, Jesus was the one that did that. Well you are right. Christ was chosen and Elected to come to this earth, gain a body, attone for us not only on the cross but also in the Garden of Gethsemene. But I am getting ahead of myself.

So 33 years ago I was waiting there for my body. I was prepared. I knew it was my turn. I knew the body I was accepting wasn't perfect but that it would do what I needed and that the challenges would be those I could deal with. We all made that choice! Sure I'll take this body, so the next time you think gee whats wrong with me, look at yourself and say, Hey I had a choice and I know I can do this!

So now here you are, and here I am. I have a body, which by the way I love! Its the coolest thing to be able to see and hear and touch and taste and smell and think about it.. oh my!

So for today I am saying enjoy an experience that you never have before. Taste something or smell something. Do something.

A purposeful Journey.

So I have been throwing around in my head an idea. I have had so many very interesting and cool experiences in my life. My life truly is a testimony of Jesus Christ and the miracles he can perform, but if I only keep it to myself then what good is that?
You see a testimony, or witness, of Jesus Christ, does no good if I don't share it. I need to share it. I have been commanded to share it. So here we go. I am certain it will be cathartic to myself and educational to those who decide to read.
I will warn you now that I will not censor my experiences but this blog would be fit to read to children. I would let my own read it and so I would never post anything that is unfit for kids.

So here we go on this journey.