Thursday, December 17, 2009


Why is it that when we need things, I mean really need things, it seems to take forever.

Take for example that last little while when you are pregnant. It seems like that baby is never going to come. It seems like you have been pregnant your whole life. My friend is at that stage right now.. she feels like she has been pregnant forever.

We are waiting for money. ITs another one of those things that seem to always be lacking and always waiting for. Well thats what we are looking forward to right now is money.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

So much has happened. I have been on this journey now for 34 years.. the last year has been interesting.. My husband did find God.. well was reminded that God ws there. He was baptized and oh what a confirmation!
Now we live in Texas. We have this run down little house and well.. we are working on it.. the best we can.
Our kids are basically happy. I mean we all have our problems. What a testimony it is to me the way we got this house. So many exciting things are happening to us.